TV Journalist

Ciara Speller, 22 News Springfield, MA

(Ciara Speller is the evening news anchor for WWLP 22 News in Springfield, Mass.)

  • Check Out Her Work“About two years ago I covered a story one weekend morning where a non-profit organization was going to give a Christmas to a family in need in Springfield. The children had recently lost their mother and their father was dealing with a lot of adversity himself. The organization put together this elaborate Christmas display with a horse and carriage and delivery of presents for this family, that would have gone without if it weren’t for the generosity of others coming together. When my piece aired I personally received an outpouring from the community seeking interest in becoming part of this organization to give back. I myself became a board member and currently still am, as I was so moved by their selflessness and desire to changed people’s lives. To this day our organization and mission continues to grow helping dozens of inner city and at-risk youth. I often think back to that morning reporting, not knowing at the time that a small effort on my part would prompt an entire community to giveback.”


  • “…I believe the best example of a free press and democracy in action is the media’s ability to cover all the controversial issues surrounding our president. More specifically, the investigation into the whistleblower who sounded the alarm on President Trump’s handling with Ukraine, thus resulting in an impeachment inquiry. The media does not have this freedom in other countries and the consequences of writing about something as grave as this have often been severe.”
  •  “I believe that many people do not understand how much work this field entails. For the outside world, it can often seem glamorous but there are trying days that you’ll work extremely long hours and see things you’ll never forget. This is truly a 24/7 job but it can also be very rewarding, especially if your work sparks positive change. If you love what you do, you try to use every day as a learning experience whether it be good or bad.”

(Edited by Rory Tettemer)
