Online Journalist

Cristina Quinn, WGBH

(Cristina Quinn is a multimedia reporter and news anchor for PBS member station WGBH.)

  • Check Out Her WorkAs a journalist, the stories I’m most proud of are the ones that provide a platform for voices that are often unheard and ignored– from my investigative story. about mishandled reports of sexual assault at a New England Christian college to stories about stigma surrounding mental health. in the Asian-American community to fierce growing debate involving the intersex community. Many of these conversations are difficult and challenging. It’s important to foster a climate that dispels myths and informs opinion based on facts. Sometimes this means taking viewers, listeners and readers outside of their comfort zone and introducing them to experiences and perspectives they’ve never encountered.”


  • A free press is vital because it creates and fosters a climate of opinion. A democracy is nothing without discourse and debate. “The most visible results of informed opinion is what happens at the ballot box and in cultural movements, such as #MeToo. When those in power are held accountable, public outcry can lead to action.”


  • Personal emails from people make me think my stories have made a difference but I can’t directly link my work to policy changes because I just don’t know.”


  • “I report for TV, radio and the web. Each medium has a distinct style of storytelling and requires different skill sets. I often do three versions of the same story and they generally start differently. The lede you’d hear on a public radio story or TV piece is very different than the lede for a print story. I often have to switch hats, something that is not uncommon for multimedia journalists these days.

(Edited by Tess Varga)
