Print Journalist

Robin Abcarian, The LA Times

“I think Donald Trump would love nothing more than to shut down every real news media outlet..."
Print Journalist

Dale Kasler, Sacramento Bee

"I was covering a protest march over a police shooting and found myself being detained by Sacramento police officers as part of a mass arrest..."
TV Journalist

Janet Wu, WCVB, Boston, Mass.

"As he was running away, I shouted to him “do you really want everyone to see that you’re afraid to answer questions?” "
Headshot of Feldmann
Online Journalist

Linda Feldmann, Christian Science Monitor

"...I am reporting on and analyzing the actions of the president...I get emails from readers that suggest I have affected their understanding of issues."
TV Journalist

Ciara Speller, 22 News Springfield, MA

"To this day our organization and mission continues to grow helping dozens of inner city and at-risk youth."
Headshot of Art Cullen
Print Journalist

Art Cullen, The Storm Lake Times

"The Storm Lake Times conducted a 20-year campaign to (clean up the lake)." Cullen won a Pultizer Prize for editorials on this subject.
Online Journalist

Casey Toner, Political Reporter for

"After intense media scrutiny....Chicago's Police Chief was fired, the mayor decided not to seek re-election...and the city embarked on numerous reforms."
Headshot of reporter Shaylee Hagar
Print Journalist

Shaylee Ragar, Bozeman Daily Chronicle

"I did recently report on the decline of the coal industry and what that means for Montana, a state that relies on coal production for jobs and state revenue."
Online Journalist

Cristina Quinn, WGBH

"When those in power are held accountable, public outcry can lead to action."
Print Journalist

David Abel, Boston Globe

"I would like to think many of my stories have led to changes that benefit society."
Headshot of Tim Logan
Print Journalist

Tim Logan, Boston Globe

"We expose corruption, highlight inequities and, sometimes, simply explain to our readers what those institutions are doing in ways no one else really can."
Headshot of Rich Tettemer
TV Journalist

Rich Tettemer, 22News, Springfield, Mass.

“Getting some of the bigger stories right can take long hours and a lot of footwork."
Print Journalist

Frank Phillips, The Boston Globe

"The Globe’s reporting on widespread sexual abuse in the Catholic church is an illustration of a newspaper making a brave decision to draw the curtain back on an a very ugly social problem."
Headshot of journalist Mark Harper
Print Journalist

Mark Harper, Daytona Beach News-Journal

"Once, I learned that a city council candidate had a history of crime, including burglary and domestic violence. I did a thorough job of reporting....He lost."
The headshot of David Jackson
Print Journalist

David Jackson, USA Today

"I see the relationship between a free press and democracy every day."
Online Journalist

Jesse Collings, Arlington Advocate

"...they knew that eventually the press would find out...So instead of trying to hide it, they produced a press release and came out honestly about the situation."