Online Journalist

Linda Feldmann, Christian Science Monitor

Headshot of Feldmann

(Linda Feldmann is the Christian Science Monitor‘s Washington Bureau Chief, host of the Monitor Breakfast, and senior political and White House correspondent.)

    • Check Out Her Work“As a White House reporter, I see that connection (between a free press and democracy) every day. I’m not a local reporter rooting out corruption at city hall or covering citizens lobbying for a traffic light. Rather, I am reporting on and analyzing the actions of the president, and presenting readers with perspectives that help them assess the American government’s performance. Most newspaper readers vote, and some get involved in campaigns. I’d like to think the information I provide helps to shape citizens’ views. I get emails from readers that suggest I have affected their understanding of issues.”


    • “I also participate in the White House press pool, which means sometimes traveling with the president and otherwise being in close proximity to him, and thus able to ask questions. Facing reporters’ questions helps hold public officials accountable.”


    • “I wish more people knew that we’re (journalists) working hard to get the story right and don’t have an agenda.”

      (Edited by Emma Lopez)
